Event date and time
Thursday 3 Apr 2025
1.30pm to 3.00pm AEST
Online virtual event
Login details will be emailed to registrants
The National Environmental Science Program Climate Systems Hub is leading a co-designed research project to consider how best to incorporate future weather and extremes in assessing building energy efficiency.
Current building energy efficiency modelling for approval of new buildings is assessed using a sample of actual weather data from the past. However, as our climate is changing, and as buildings designed today have an expected life-span of approximately 50-70 years, building designs need to consider the climate of the 2070s, including extremes such as heatwaves, to keep occupants comfortable and healthy. This project is exploring new approaches to incorporate future climate projections into building energy efficiency modelling.
To inform this research, we invite you to participate in an online workshop Thursday 3 April 2025 1:30-3.00pm AEST.
The workshop will be an opportunity for the project team to provide an overview of the project, present findings of the review of current methodologies for developing weather files for building simulation to inform the approaches to incorporating future climate projections.
Any questions please contact Dr Ramona Dalla Pozza, Project Lead (
Dates and Times
Event date: Apr 2025
Thursday 3 Apr 2025
Online virtual event
1.30pm to 3.00pm AEST
Login details will be emailed to registrants
More information
Using climate projections, the project will establish a methodology towards a best practice approach to producing future average and extreme weather files. Future average and extreme weather files will be developed for 10 Australian locations to assist the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) to assess extreme heat impacts on new minimum building standards. Published resources explaining these methodologies and approaches will be produced.
Research Team and Collaborators
The NESP Climate Systems Hub is working with the residential and commercial building areas within the Energy and Performance Security Division of the Australian government, along with members of the ABCB, the Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO Energy, Australian Climate Service, University of NSW, and various state-based building energy efficiency teams. The project team consists of key members from these organisations and is being led by Dr Ramona Dalla Pozza, Knowledge Broker for the NESP Climate System Hub, based at the University of Tasmania.
Through co-design with residential and commercial building policy staff in the Australian government, and with industry experts, this project will contribute to improved policy outcomes for NatHERS (Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme) and NABERS (National Australian Built Environment Rating Scheme), as well as influencing the 2028 update to the National Construction Code for residential buildings.
Participation opportunities
- Stakeholder workshops
- Project webinars
- Project Advisory Group Meetings
For more information contact