Text: Snapshot, Science news highlights

01 Breakthrough

A person riding a bike next to the Sydney Harbour

State of the Climate 2020

Continued warming, rising sea levels and extreme weather events. State of the Climate, developed with the Bureau of Meteorology, draws on the latest climate monitoring, science and projection information to describe year-to-year variability and longer-term changes in Australia’s climate.

02 Research

A woman on the street at night looking at a tablet

What a waste

Lithium ion batteries power many of our devices but they are not recycled effectively, if at all. We're creating sustainable technologies to recycle these batteries.

A doctor sitting at a computer with data graphs on the screen

Sensing safety

Our sensor-based in-home monitoring system allows older Australians to live independently by sending real-time data to their healthcare providers.

03 Discoveries

A flatlay image of different foods, ingredients and pre-packaged food

04 People

A head shot of Dr Foley smiling

Congratulations Dr Foley

We’re proud and delighted to celebrate the appointment of our Chief Scientist, Dr Cathy Foley, as Australia’s next Chief Scientist.


Privacy priority

Want to enable the use of data in our digital economy while preserving privacy of individuals and confidentiality of businesses? Join our Sydney-based team.

PhD energy scholarship

We’re collaborating with The University of Newcastle to offer a PhD scholarship to explore multifaceted clustering of complex electricity time-series data to support data-driven decision-making in the energy sector. Newcastle-based position.

05 Participate

An aerial view of RV Investigator out at sea

All aboard

Join us for a free one-hour webinar to discuss a milestone strategy that will guide access and use of Australia’s dedicated marine research capability for the next 10 years.

Two female scientists in lab coats talking

Diversity in STEM

We’re hosting a free webinar to showcase Australian and Japanese initiatives aimed at engaging female researchers in the post COVID-19 environment. Register now.


Watch Recovery of SARS-CoV-2 virus from a polymer banknote sample
A droplet on a bank note

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