01 Grow

What can CSIRO do for your business?

In this special business edition of Snapshot we’re sharing examples of how we have worked with companies all around the world to innovate, improve and grow their business. It’s our mandate as Australia’s science and industrial organisation to deliver the solutions and solve the challenges that help Australian industry, our community and the environment. But we need to do this in collaboration with you to make great things happen. We partner with around 3000 organisations of all shapes and sizes to increase competitiveness, reduce risk, expand markets, and develop new industries. Find out how we do this, and why working with CSIRO will set you apart from the pack.

02 Innovate

Grants to get researchers in your business

For many SMEs research and development is considered a luxury they can’t afford. But as many industries face more disruption than ever before, R&D has become essential for long term survival. We have a solution: bring a researcher in to help. Eligible SMEs can also access an Innovation Connections grant worth up to $50,000. We facilitate short and long term placements to help businesses implement innovative solutions.

Technology is disrupting industry

CSIRO's strategic advisory service

Change and disruption is on our doorsteps, but with the right knowledge it can bring tremendous opportunity. Strategic foresight is an evidence-based approach to understanding long-term trends. We’ve produced complimentary reports that look into the future of many industries including mining, medical technology and pharmaceuticals, low emissions technologies and advanced manufacturing. Download our complimentary industry reports or speak to us about how we can provide strategic advice tailored for your industry or business.

03 Commercialise

04 New markets

You snooze you win: helping cure sleep apnoea

Two and a half years ago, dental company Oventus came to us with a problem. An estimated one million Australians suffer from sleep apnoea. They wanted to create a mouthguard that would assist airflow, but needed support to turn this idea into reality. Oventus invested heavily in R&D with us, helping to hone their production process and grow their business. Using our additive manufacturing facility, Lab 22, we worked with them to create and test a fully-customisable, 3D printed titanium prototype which is now available in Australia. Lab 22 is one of Australia’s leading facilities for metal additive manufacturing.


An oily business booming

In what is shaping up to be a game changer for renewable oils, Australia’s next oil boom might just come from plants. Recently, US-based company Amfora signed an agreement with us to advance development and commercialisation of research we’ve conducted that makes it possible to produce oil in the leaves and stems of plants as well as the seeds. We granted Amfora a worldwide, exclusive license to our technology for use in the development of specified forage crops.

The hype about HyLogger

The Australian exploration industry spends close to $600 million per year drilling holes to locate economic mineral resources. We created HyLogger – a tool that provides systematic mineral identification in near real time, greatly reducing the costs and delays associated with lab analysis. Corescan, a company that operates a network of hyperspectral mineralogy labs around the world, have signed a commercialisation deal to use HyLogger. This deal reinforces Australia’s place as a global leader in the provision of mineral exploration and mining technology.

05 Connect

You’re invited

Networking events are the first step for businesses and researchers to turn great ideas into commercial products. We regularly host industry forums and conferences right across Australia where you can connect with researchers in your industry and learn more about what we’re up to. We also offer facility tours and workshops where you can learn more about how we can help. Check out our events calendar to find out what’s happening near you.

Building our future

The building and construction industry is under intense scrutiny with housing affordability, product quality and energy efficiency front of mind for most Australians. How we respond to these issues will shape the future of the industry. In October, we will bring together the diverse building and construction community comprising peak industry bodies in a Future Building Forum. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to play a role in developing a sustainable future for the Australian building and construction industry.


Watch Taking Australia’s iconic ‘green whistle’ to Europe
Watch a video about our work with MDI

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